Why Accounting Should Be A Priority For Your School ?

Why Accounting Should Be A Priority For Your School ?


Accounting is the process of summarizing, reporting, and analyzing business transactions to keep track of its expenses and income. However, being a part of the management as well as the administration team, the institutional heads are most often cornered with school financial management activities. Thanks to the School Management System for streamlining expense and budget management, financial reporting, automating payroll process, real-time financial updates, thereby reducing manual errors. 

In other words, bookkeeping, budgeting, payroll, and the financial jargon just go on and on for them, sparing them no time to focus on the activities related to providing quality education to the students. At the same time, they are also answerable to the Board, about the money and grants that come in and how they are spent. Definitely, School Management Software makes real-time updates to generate well-informed decisions. 

Moreover, in an educational institution, the major sources of revenue are fees and the innumerable expenses that include staff salaries, transportation and electricity expenses, repairs and maintenance charges, purchasing supplies, etc. Well, know more about what the UNION BUDGET has to talk about educational sector

Why is it important to keep track of all the incomes and expenses? 

Why should schools give importance to accounting? In other words, why is school financial management so crucial these days? Why are educational institutions investing in School ERP?

The answer is right here… Let’s have a glance at an overall idea and the benefits of the latter. 


Crucial in managing schools and data driven decision making

Managing the finances well is an excellent strategy for any institution or business entity to enhance its overall productivity. It helps to understand your business better and make vital decisions. Moreover, a school would be in a position to identify its areas of strength and weakness. This implies the School Management System will also enable you to have a clear picture of the future, how to allocate resources and how to plan ahead in future.


To monitor the progress of school financial management and enable growth

Without maintaining proper records, it would be more challenging to assess whether you are facing loss or profit. To sum up, you may find it difficult to determine your readiness for the next stage of expansion, or the fact that you have reserves to cover any impending or unforeseen events if you need additional funding, etc. 

Planning is more effective  when it comes to analyzing growth and expansion. When a school is in a position to anticipate its incomes              (fees, grants) and expenses, then it will be able to set goals and objectives and put in place expansion strategies. The best School  Management Software helps maintain records for understanding financial status and making informed decisions.  


To stay organized

Certainly, it helps you create the order from chaos. A school will have several suppliers and vendors.  If the financial data is efficiently organized, in the event of any disputes, it will be very easy to retrieve documentation to rectify the situation. Or in some cases you need financial information quickly such as profits for the last quarter, you would know where to look since you have your financial data in place. Henceforth, when contemplating proper organization, school financial management is crucial. 


To help in financial management, budgeting, easy to get loans
When you are aware of your incomes and expenses clearly, you are in a position to do financial planning and thereby financial management. Secondly accurate and real-time data for future forecasting helps in better reporting and thereby schools can have steady budgeting as well. In the event of planning for additional funds, it is always easier to apply for grants or bank loans when your financial documents are in order. This implies that School ERP centralizes all financial data easily accessible to authorized personnel which also reduces the risk of data duplication. 


Keep track of various sources of income and unnecessary expenses
When a school maintains proper accounting records it becomes clear where the money is going and how much is being spent on various areas of operation. This can help in tracking the spending pattern and make you more accountable. 

On the other hand, if you are not tracking the money then you may find that you’re spending too much in one area and that you don’t have enough money left over to cover major expenses.